
#5: The 7 Things I am Thankful For…

Scripture tells us to be thankful in all circumstances.  1 Thessalonians 5:18 says: 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.


I truly believe that choosing to look at life through these thankful lenses is part of the power of transformation that can be found in a life that is fully surrendered to Christ.  Before Christ, I was a glass half empty—no, wait, a glass always empty, type of person.


But my life in Christ transformed me completely.  I now choose to praise God through my circumstances because I know he is not the cause of any harm or evil that befalls me.  Instead, He is the only hope I have to get me through these trials.  As my husband likes to say, “No one should control your joy” and “Never rent space out to anyone who does not bring you joy.”


So today, I am writing a thankful list since the trials keep coming but my faith keeps growing.


I Am Thankful for:


My Husband:  He is working day and night to make sure our bills are paid since we are essentially living on one salary now.  He leaves early in the morning and comes home around 10 or 11 pm at night exhausted from physical labor.  He is a licensed HVAC technician who puts in residential and commercial heating and air conditioning units—which weigh a ton!  And yet, sore and all, he still smiles when he walks in the door.

His first words normally are, “Kisses fix everything.”

And then he gives me tons of smooches.  He calls me throughout the day to check in on me and to tell me he loves me and that he can’t wait to meet our son.  Often, he provides me with a word of encouragement if I’m not feeling well, and usually, he finds his way home during the day even if it’s only for 5 minutes, just to say “hi.”  When he leaves, he kisses me and my belly and says, “Gotta go work for my babies!”


Every night, no matter how tired he is, before we sleep, he prays over me while worship music plays in the background.  He prays boldly and vociferously for my sleep and my comfort.  He cancels out infirmity and uproots all cancer, pain, and illness from my body.  He blesses our miracle child, Noah, and prays with thanksgiving over our marriage, our finances, our family, and our friends.  His prayers are powerful.  No matter what kind of pain I’m in, his faithful prayers have a way of lulling me to sleep.


Sunday night, when I couldn’t make it up the stairs to go to bed from this recent attack of abdominal pain, he brought an air mattress down and lay it near the couch so he could be near me all night.  Every time I woke up to go to the bathroom, he helped me.  I couldn’t wake up quietly because of the stabbing feeling in my abdomen whenever I moved, but he got up and helped me like it was no big deal.  He is my big deal!!  I am truly grateful that God put him in my life to love me, protect me, and pray over me.


Ladies, nothing is more romantic that a husband that prays for you, over you, in front of you, and with boldness!  Do not be unequally yoked!!


  1. Mom and Dad.  Yesterday, after a weekend of excruciating pain, I asked them to take me to another unscheduled ob-gyn appointment that led to another unscheduled visit to the emergency labor and delivery room at the hospital.  The day was LONG and stressful!  No one could figure out why I was in so much pain and no one could take a sonogram because to touch my belly caused me to scream out in pain—that’s how much it hurt!  But Mom and Dad remained calm all day—which I know was not easy.  They took care of me all day and never, ever complained once!  Complaining adds to stress!


Later, when hubby came to relieve them, they left to buy us groceries, let themselves into our home, stocked the fridge, and even washed the dishes! I don’t assume or expect that all parents are like this because I know the truth, many are not or cannot.  So, for this, I am truly thankful.   My parents are fiercely protective, overly generous, and tireless when it comes to making sure the three of us (me, hubby, and baby) are okay! I love my parents in a way these simple words can’t express.


  1. My Mother-in-law. My mother-in-law is an angel.  I’ve heard about mother-in-laws being more like monster-in-laws, but not mine.  She’s super sweet and super affectionate.  This is where her son gets it from.  Mamì, as I call her, comes over to do the same things my mom does—she does laundry, mop, sweep, and anything else that needs to be done!  I’m so fortunate to have two Moms!  Most of all, she reminds me of how much she loves me and always tells me how much her son loves me.  Whatever she can’t do for us, she provides for.


I’m even more blessed because she and my Mom love each other.  I love to go shopping with the both of them because it’s so cute.  When I call out mom in a department store, they both answer!  The best part is that they both love each other’s children!  I really hit the jackpot here.


  1. My family. My immediate and extended family.  They reach out to me daily but without pressure or obligation to return calls or texts.  They text me to tell me they love me, that they are thinking of me and praying for me, and sometimes I even get small things I need that they send with my parents or make arrangements for.


I don’t want to call anyone out specifically because I want everyone in my family to know that I love them and it’s not about one specific thing that anyone does, but about the fact that we are there for each other, through the highs and the lows.  And I appreciate when they acknowledge how strong my faith is in Christ because they know what I’ve been through in the past and they know how far I’ve come.  I pray they all come into a direct, deeply intimate, and personal relationship with Christ through this trial.


  1. My Friends. I have many friends, near and far, from church, from childhood, from college, and from work.  Too many to mention.  Many do not live nearby but their love has reached across distances.  One thing about true friends, no matter the distance or how long it’s been since we’ve spoken, when we do get to speak, the heart closes the gap.  The outpouring of friends from as far as Nevada to Florida and upstate NY has been amazing.  These calls that have allowed me to share my frustrations in tears have been such a gift.


One friend who lives nearby and is as close to me as a sister, truly blessed me.  Not that I asked because I certainly did not, but she put away about 8 loads of laundry while I was forced to sit in a recliner and direct.  Awkward!  Watching someone put my husband’s underwear away in a drawer and hang up our clothes, as well as sweep the bedroom, change our sheets, and even move furniture was much more than I asked for.  People often say, let me know if you need anything, but the truth is, I probably won’t.  It’s so uncomfortable asking someone to do something for you, even when you know it will be done for you if you humble yourself and ask.  But some people have a way of getting you to tell them what you need to be done.


  1. My Church Family. My church is amazing.  The moment I walked into Faith Community Church, I knew I was home.  I have never met such a large, loving, amount of people.  Pastor Gary Comis and his wife Reverend Doreen Comis teach the bible like no other.  They offer classes and conferences throughout the year that truly lead one to know the bible in an intimate and profound way.  They teach the truth and they teach it in love.  The elders and the members are truly praying people!  I truly feel like these are my sisters and brothers in Christ.  When crisis comes to your door, they rally behind you.  They are the church that God intended its members to be.


Our church has started a meal train for us.  Three days or more a week, someone cooks or buys us food.  As if that is not enough, they prayer on our behalf.  Many call us to pray, others text us their prayers, and those who deliver us food, come in to pray for us.  It is truly amazing.  Our immediate family is small so this is truly a big help.  I really feel like Noah is not just our baby but theirs, as well.  When I say we have an army of God’s foot soldiers praying, I mean it.  And members of other churches, of which we previously belonged to or have friends at, are doing the same.   Heaven is being bombarded by people of truth faith, that are claiming, declaring, and decreeing health and wellness over our home, our finances, our health, our marriage, and our baby.  Watch and see how God is glorified through this test—imony!!


  1. Last but not least! My coworkers and students!  I haven’t talked much about my job because I’d like to protect many of those who do not know yet know.  But I have an incredible job teaching in a high school!  It is the best job I have every had.  Teaching is a calling and a mission and I’m glad I switched careers at almost 40!


My coworkers are incredible.  Some have dropped off prescriptions or gifts, others have picked up paperwork, and many have sent me encouraging texts and emails.  The truth is many of us spend more time with our work family then we do with our own, so in times of need, you see how friends from work really stand behind you.  The place I work at is a fantastic, lively place with an administration that has been super helpful and supportive.  I couldn’t be happier with my position or my school.


My students are my first set of children.  One cannot be a teacher and separate the maternal (or paternal) instincts one feels for other’s children.  I have awesome students from all types of backgrounds and they have taught me so much.  For years, many have asked me why I did not have children, and I’ve offered a variety of answers:  “It just never happened;  My husband and I are old;  I don’t need kids when I have you guys;  I do have kids—about 300 of them!”  But the best compliment of all was when I revealed to my students that we were having a baby and many of them said to me, “Mrs. Roman, you are already a mom to us, so now you get to be a mom to your own child!”  Yes, I cried.  I love my job.  I miss my students.  And I mean it when I say, I’d much rather be in class teaching Kafka and Camus then lounging on the couch for this long.  But for every season there is reason.


So, now, let me offer up a quick prayer of thanksgiving.


Father God, you are awesome and worthy to be praised.  Great is your love and mercy for us.  Father, in the name of Jesus, I lift up my husband, my parents, my family, my friends, the saints at my church, and my coworkers and students.  Father, I thank you for putting them in my life and I ask that you bless them in their lives, as they have blessed me.  Father, in the name of Jesus, answer the desires of their heart, protect them and their families from harm, and draw near to them, as they draw near to you.  I pray these things in the precious name of your son, Jesus.  Amen.


P.S.  The pain I’m feeling is most likely due to a pulled abdominal muscle.  I was given a low dose shot of Toradol to relieve the pain.  It will not be administered again.  Frankly, after 48 hours of constant pain, I needed a break.  I am feeling better today.  The pain has decreased to about a 6 or a 7 and I am not moving from my spot on the reclining couch.  Thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts.

In love and Christ,

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